The Tools you need to Build an Analog Synthesizer
Below are the tools needed to build an analog synthesizer module. Not all tools will be needed to get started, and our guides tell you exactly what tools you’ll need for each project. For instance, the first kit requires only a Soldering Iron (cheap or nice), Solder, and something to tighten nuts with (wire strippers if you are careful).
Must Haves
- Wire Strippers
- Micro-Shear Flush Cutter
- Solder Tip Cleaner
- Multimeter WITH Continuity Testing – Cheap
or Nicer
- Lead Solder (I can’t stress how much I hate non-lead solder)
- Eye Protection
(or this one if you wear glasses)
- A pen or pencil (I like a red pen)
- Precision Screwdriver Set
- Headphones or powered speaker for testing
- Heat Sink
- Solder Sucker Desoldering Pump
- Soldering Iron: Cheap
or Nice
- Old Toothbrush (for cleaning PCB’s post-soldering)
- SMD Tweezers (if you do SMD work)
Nice To Haves
- Biodegradable Gloves
(Your skin will absorb lead from solder otherwise)
- PanaVise PCB Holder
- Solder Smoke Absorber
- Alligator Clips
- Heat Shrink
- Bench Power Supply
(or use our Eurorack Power Supply as a Bench Power Supply)
- Fine Sharpie Marker
- IC chip grabber
- Zip Ties
- ¼” or ⅛” cable with adaptors
- Socket Wrench Set
- 99% Isopropyl Alcohol
- Highlighter
- Diagonal Cutters
- Hook Up Wire
(AI Modules do not use wiring – but other makers do.)
- PCB Holder
- SMD Tweezers
Learn the theory
- Make: Analog Synthesizers Great intro!
- The Art of Electronics This is everything. Literally a textbook!
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